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Kümbet: Medieval Anatolian Tombs

Question of Dating

The Huand Hatun tomb does not have a specific date except for the cenotaph of Saljuqi Khatun dated 683 AH (1284). Inscriptions on both portals of the mosque date give the date of 683 AH (1237-38). According to Mahmut Akok, the mosque and madrasa were planned as a unified complex to which the tomb was added at a later date. However, Karamağaralı argued that the positions of the buildings in the complex and their interrelation with each other show that these buildings were constructed one after the other. According to his analysis, the bathhouse was the first building followed by the madrasa. The mosque was built after the madrasa but preceded the tomb. Since the inscription on Khwand Khatun’s cenotaph refers to her son Ghiyāth al-Dīn Kaykhusraw II (r. 1237-46) as deceased, it can be surmised that Khwand Khatun was alive after 1246. In addition, since the tomb has a square base with muqarnas and mostly geometric motifs and ornamentation on the colonettes and arches, it is attributed to the years between 1260 and 1270 by Hakkı Önkal and Haluk Karamağaralı.